Tuesday, May 17, 2011

when cleaning turns into hoarding

you know you are a hoarder when you don't know if something belongs in the trash so you end up stuffing it somewhere -__-


Stephanie said...

lol I feel ya!

Unknown said...

hahaha sounds like my fiance - ultimate hoarder. In the 4 years we've been together, i've had to slowly coach him on what can be kept and what is useless and should be thrown away. :P

Shirley said...

LOL I know how you feel.... The stuff I "clean out" just goes into another box as "trash" but never gets taken out

& The chocolate bars are just stuffed with milk chocolate hahaha

Anonymous said...

LOL so true ;P

we {Heart} Scrap said...

hahahaha oh man I know the feeling!
sometimes I think to myself, should I give it away or keep it for "another day" .not good :[

Beige Renegade said...

guilty ;)