I was going to make a video, but my timing always sucks so I hope you enjoy this VERY LONG review..sorry hehe
I saw these a week ago, and I decided to get the one in Peach Petal from the summer collection. I don't know how Revlon comes out with stuff, but Jessica Biel is promoting the summer line.

left to right: 130 Pink Whisper, 150 Peach Petal, 120 Pink Pursuit

right to left: Pink Whisper, Peach Petal, Pink Pursuit
The lipglosses are a mix of MAC's creamsheen glasses and tinted lipglasses.
-SPF 15 --> protects from sunlight
-creamy/milky like creamsheen glasses from MAC
-sheer but can build up color; more tinted than creamsheens
-price: $8.49-$8.99 USD at local drugstores, ULTA, Target, Walmart, wherever Revlon is sold
-tad bit on the sticky side..it's in the middle between creamsheen and tinted lipglass stickiness.
Will I buy this product again? Maybe.
I like to change my lip glosses up a bit, so I think these will last me for a while.
Overall: 4/5
I'm sure a lot of you have seen these before..

-95% USDA organic and 100% natural.
-Paraben and petrolatum free.
-Contains shea butter, vitamin E and jojoba oil
-Moisturizes and smooths lips
-Has a light weight feeling on lips
-Not sticky compared to other lipbalms such as chapstick, carmax, burt's bees
-round shape helps to "stay in the lines" of lips when applying
-price: around $3.49 USD --> reasonable for organic lipbalm of a big size
-four flavors: passion fruit, honeysuckle honeydew, lemon drop, and sweet mint
-round packaging makes carrying the product difficult in pant pockets.
I like to put this on while I'm putting on my foundation so that my lips will be moisturized before I put on lipgoss or lipstick. I also put this on before I go to bed, so my lips will be moisturize throughout the night. When I wake up, my lips feel very soft compared to the next day.
I found mine at my local Walgreens, but they only had two flavors. I believe Target has all four, but I think they come together in a pack? I'm not sure, but I'll definitely check it out.
Last but not least
The first time I found about these were from Holly (blog: hollyannaree.blogspot.com, youtube: www.youtube.com/hollyannaree) THANK YOU HOLLY!! :]
I wanted to try them, so I went on the website to buy some and I will NEVER go back on that site and buy anything from there again. The products are cheap, but I don't want to pay $6-7 dollars on shipping. Because of that, I bought two of each which kind of pissed me off, but oh well. *shrug*
I got three colors

left to right: Candlelight, Pink Kiss, Watermelon

-packaging is simple and easy to use and carry.
-smell reminds me of the lipsmacker brand chapsticks
-slanted tip applicator
-sheer and somewhat tinted
-contains SPF 15
-stickiness similar to MAC tinted lipglass
overall: 3.5/5
-Will I buy this again? Maybe if the shipping didn't cost so much!