On Friday (October 30th), it was Brother's Appreciation Day at church.
It was a classy 50's theme, so all the girls had to wear black slacks with a white or black button up shirt and suspenders or vest.
I had so much trouble looking for a white button up collar shirt, but luckily I found a cheap one at Target.
It took me almost 4-5 hours to look for one too -___-
I thought Ross had one, but NO!
I got to church by 4 and everyone was decorating and writing short letters to all the guys.
15-20 minutes before the guys came, we practiced our dance that we prepared for the guys too.
Some guys started to comer earlier than expected, so we had to lock the door and leave them out in the cold.
Not really a way of appreciating the brother's, but the event didn't start yet so it didn't count.
We let them in at 7 and the event started.
Our chef of the church cooked the whole dinner with some help of the other girls.
The menu looked so good! We only got to eat the chicken though, but it was good :]
Appetizer: salad
Main: Steak with caramelized onions, chicken baked in lemon and orange citrus type of sauce, asparagus, and red potatoes
Dessert: White cake with chocolate dipped strawberries and chocolate whip cream
I wish I could have taken pictures during the event, but I was too busy serving...
We danced during the main course, and gave each of them an award during dessert.
At the end, the guys came back in with roses for all of the girls.
It was a big surprise and very cute! :]
The boys never fail to impress me ^^
I stole some pictures from my friend hehe...(i really need to get a camera -__-)

On Halloween, I went to church by 4 to help set up before the kids arrived.
The party started at 7 and I was surprised a good amount of kids came.
We had games everywhere downstairs, had dodgeball upstairs, and food in the cafeteria.
Afterwards, I dropped off my youngest brother home, and by the time I got back, everything was cleaned up! I couldn't believe how fast they could clean hahaha
All of us were hungry, so we all rushed upstairs to eat the remaining pizza.
Some other people and I wanted Chipotle, so we rushed over there before it closed because it's free!!
Free food is always a must and they're always good :D

my brother in a penguin suit


we tried to take a picture when we were in the air...we did it like 7 times and still failed


alice in wonderland doll and clown

rock star

street fighter, polar bear, prom queen



There was a Mickey Mouse, Snow White, police officer, cat, two nerds, Tae Yang, TOP, Little Red Riding Hood, a cowgirl, and a moose. I think that's all of us..
The little kids were really cute!! too bad I didn't have a camera to take pictures :[
sorry for the long post guys ^^;;
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